Push Exceeds Limits

>> 31.1.09

Dakota Fanning strikes me as freaking scary for some reason, crazy eyes, perhaps, but it's not good enough reason not to go see her latest flick, Push, which opens February 6th. Push is basically the Matrix meets X-Men with out the superhero spandex costumes. Bad guys want to harness our mutant good guys powers for no good. Who will prevail? Hollywood's hoping to stretch that answer into a trilogy. Push's action sequences pay "homage" to that sylized, Hong Kong fighting made famous by director John Woo. Worth seeing.


Anonymous 1.2.09  

Looks like this one is heading straight to dvd on my Netflix queue

Anonymous 1.2.09  

Push is an interesting choice of words as it seems like Hollywood is trying to "push" this crap down our throats. My gag reflex is acting up. Must hurl now.

Anonymous 1.2.09  

Anybody seen Jumper? Same idea.

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