Transformers 2 is freaking scary!

>> 2.2.09

In case you missed this pregame Superbowl TV spot for Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. Thank god, I mean Michael Bay, for not giving us another Kate Blanchett English costume drama!


Anonymous 2.2.09  

WTF? I wonder if they made this movie too big? Aircraft carriers? I liked the first one because it seemed plausible, a boy and his transformer robot battle other bad transformer robots.

Anonymous 2.2.09  

Say it ain't so, Joe. I've been waiting forever for Transformers 2 to drop. This baby's gonna blow up huge!

Anonymous 2.2.09  

Shia was horrible in Indy Jones - he thinks he's Brando or something - must've been watching too much inside actors studio.

Anonymous 2.2.09  

Last night my boyfriend transformed into a werewolf and he gave me bad case of fleas.

Anonymous 2.2.09  

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