Friday 13th There Will Be Blood

>> 31.1.09

There will be blood. Lots and lots of blood, starting on Friday 13th, 2009 as Jason returns once again to mow down the pretty young things hanging out at Crystal Lake. And, Jason, after your done taking care of business, there's some people in Afghanistan we'd like you to meet. But seriously, you can tell the economy is so bad, when Jason, who is probably about a 107 in movie years is forced back out of retirement after his pension fund went belly up in this wall street debacle. No wonder he's angry! I'm pissed off, too! Where's my axe? Don't worry, Jason. If you can make it anywhere, it's New York City. I'd hedge my bet on you. Exit your car lease early - no penalties!


Anonymous 31.1.09  

Jason, if you would've only learned how to swim you wouldn't have all these dead people's blood on your hands. Think about it next time before you reach for an axe.

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