Last House on Left

>> 31.1.09

Okay, so there's been a ton of Hollywood remake bashing on the freaking scary comment boards, but I have to say that this trailer for Last House on Left made me scream with delight! Just when I thought those suits in Hollywood couldn't get it anymore wrong, this little horror gem shows up. Sure it's a retelling of the Wes Craven classic, but then again, I think Craven actually remade or paid "homage", that's french for what they call it when you get ripped off, Ingmar Bergman's The Virgin Spring. WTF? I know you never heard of it because it's in black & white and swedish...sounds like a punchline of a joke. Do yourself a favor, Neflix The Virgin Spring.


Anonymous 31.1.09  

Wes Craven's the man. Love his flicks.

Anonymous 31.1.09  

Banshee, are you on crack? Craven never stole from Bergman! Check your facts, Missy.

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