Freaking Scary Mary Poppins

>> 31.1.09

What freaking scares me the most? Nice people, really nice people like Mary Poppins, who seems too good to be true. Makes Banshee wonder what evil lurks in their heart? Sure, Mary Poppins can't walk on water, but what when you can fly why get your feet wet? And what's her obession with teaching children new songs? Is Supercalifragilous actually a spell? Now, the real truth can be told once and for all about the singing, flying nanny in "Scary Mary Poppins." I'd pay to see that!


Anonymous 31.1.09  

Scary Mary Poppins looks much more freaking scary than "The Uninvited". Perhaps, it's time for Disney to remake this classic?

Anonymous 31.1.09  

Hey, what's with all these Google ads on your site?

Banshee 31.1.09  

Sorry, I'm no "trust fund" banshee, mate. This Banshee needs money just like the rest of you lot. Consider clicking on a few links as a way to stimulate my economy, which in turn helps keep the wolves at bay. Otherwise, if the ads bother you, then piss off.

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