Watchmen Superheroes With Attitude

>> 30.1.09

Watchmen are a whole new breed of costume superheros with attitude for those of us who never read the limited edition series published by DC Comics, shame on you, and what are you waiting for?

The film version of Watchmen looks like it's gonna drop soon at your local cineplex now that Fox Studios and Warner Bros have kissed and made up over who actually controls the rights to the project. "Bring me the head of Joel Silver on tray," was a phrase allegedly overheard several times by the lunch crowd at the Smoke House.

Regardless, Watchmen is surely to awaken movie goers from their Oscar nominated film doldrums, or in some cases just plain dull movies like suburban nightmare Revolutionary Road.

Please, no more cerebral films for at least 9 more months; I just want a good, old fashioned CGI, cutting edge $200 million flick with a good story and lots of mayhem. So get ready to race to the theatre, grab a big bucket of popcorn and a Coke and be thoroughly entertained. Watchmen, now that's something worth watching.

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Anonymous 31.1.09  

I'm not sure how freaking scary this movie is going to be, but it sure does look awesome!

Anonymous 31.1.09  

Banshee, you can scream at me anytime. How about we hook up and go see the Watchmen? I'll butter your popcorn!

Anonymous 31.1.09  

Thanks for posting! Caught the other Watchmen trailers on your You Tube channel.

Anonymous 31.1.09  

Oh, no, more men in tights, only this time there's a chick, too. Watchmen is no Dark Knight. Heath Ledger rules!

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