Can Jason Save Horror Movies?

>> 11.2.09

What happened my beloved Hollywood horror movies that used to make me freaking scream like a Banshee? Where have they gone? Overseas. Seems like Japan, the land of the rising sun, and it's neighboring countries are churning out some really high-end, quality horror flicks while Hollywood seems content to churn out remake after remake with today's release of Friday 13th (2009).

Yes, they've actually included the year 2009 in the title because this film has seen more makeovers than a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon. Seems like Friday 13's Jason is the go to guy when it comes to horror franchises.

Actually, Jason's the James Bond of horror without the hot babe fringe. No wonder Jason's pissed off! But hey, any fighter knows that sex before the big match is a big no-no. And trust me, Jason the whole horror industry is counting on you to deliver a knockout hit. So, in the immortal words of Rocky Balboa "Cut me, Mick."

Click here for more Friday 13th


Anonymous 11.2.09  

Got my ticket online! Jason reminds me of my psycho-ex but in a good way.

Anonymous 12.2.09  

Jason lacks the charisma of Freddy Krueger and that's why he'll never be more than a psycho wearing a hockey mask.

Anonymous 12.2.09  

All I'm saying is that if you're a college student going away to a cabin by a lake then you've gotta be willing to but up with a little murder, mayhem along with some mosquitos...

Anonymous 12.2.09  

That's right, Dre Dogg! I'd like to see Jason try that crap in Compton - he'd get smoked.

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