Zombies Invade Disneyland!

>> 3.2.09

If I didn't own a dog, then I'd own a zombie. How can you not help but smile when you see these undead creatures roaming the streets, mini-malls and theme parks in search of some fresh fleshed throats to tear out? 

Apparently, I'm not alone in the sentiment because over at You Tube there's a freaking scary zombie channel, lostzombiesdotcom, which is a "zombie themed social network called LostZombies. Our goal is to attempt to create the first ever community generated zombie film."  Good luck, I'd pay money to see that film!


Anonymous 3.2.09  

Forget that Slumdog Millionaire bollocks, 28 Days later is one of Danny Boyle's best efforts since Trainspotting. One of my top 10 zombie films.

Anonymous 3.2.09  

Help!!! My cat is dead, my dog is missing and nobody's seen Mrs. Wilson in a week! I think my neighbor, Mr. Wilson is a zombie. Please send help before Mr. Wilson eats me.

Anonymous 3.2.09  

Dennis, why you be hating Mr. Wilson? Go next door and tell him your sorry.

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