WTF? U2 Looses its Edge with No Line on the Horizon

>> 13.2.09

U2 holds a special place in this Banshee's heart having lost my virginity backstage at one of their concerts, but that's another freaking scary groupie sex story.

It's raining in Los Angeles, yes, it really does, and I'm stuck in my car in gridlock traffic, limping my way along the 101 freeway at brisk 3 mph trying to make it over to Melrose for an interview and the radio DJ announces "Here's the new single from U2." Cool, been a long time since they rock-n-rolled.

So you can imagine my surprise, no my genuine horror after the new U2 single Get on your boots from the new album No Line on the Horizon began to play. Boots was an auditory assault on my ears that left me physical ill to the point I rolled down my window and puked. I've got the residual vomit left on the inside of my driver's door to prove it. A definitive WTF moment in my life. Boots has the depth, no the soul of a jingle for the worst commercial ever made.

U2 used to be the antithesis of corporate rock; today they are the embodiment of it. Think I have met the enemy and he is me. I blame Saint Bono for the band U2's downward spiral. He's too busy globetrotting around the earth trying to win the Nobel Prize for Peace to focus on writing worthwhile lyrics that rock. Bono, the world's full of Nobel Prize winners but in dire need of music that can change the world.

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Anonymous 14.2.09  

I agree with Banshee. Why should music lovers suffer just because Bono wants to be God.

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