My Best Friend's A Vampire So Bite Me!

>> 5.2.09

Nothing like a vampire movie on a dull, rainy Southern California afternoon, especially when said flick turns out to be a freaking scary gem like "Let The Right One In".

The title refers to the Morrissey song "Let the Right One Slip In" but also to the aspect of vampire lore which says that vampires cannot enter a house unless invited. Banshee wonders if vampires have to study these rules the way we mere mortals do for a driver's license?

"Let The Right One In"
, is a wonderful story of a young boy who befriends a neighbor girl who turns out to be a vampire. Complications ensue, but then they always do. Netflix it!


Anonymous 5.2.09  

Just checked Netflix, Let the Right One In is not available until March 10th. What gives?

Banshee 5.2.09  

All good things to those who wait. Something tells me Joe Public you've waited a whole lifetime.

Anonymous 6.2.09  

Finally a movie with some teeth

Anonymous 6.2.09  

Girl, I sure hope this vampire flick sucks, sucks blood, I needs me sore gore.

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