Audition grabs you by the throat!

>> 29.1.09

Audition is a classic horror thriller that will have you reaching in the dark for the light switch or let me put it another way, the Japanese girl in this movie makes Fatal Attraction's Glenn Close look like a girl scout selling cookies.

There's something deeply unsettling and disturbing in this tale of boy meets girl, the wrong girl, that is makes this Harry Wish He Never Met Sally. And yet, Audition is mesmerizing, compelling and riveting like a car crash you can't help but steal a glance at.

As you can see from Audition's trailer, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." One thing is for certain, Audition by director Takashi Miike sure did make this Banshee scream!


Anonymous 29.1.09  

Hey, what about the Japanese thriller, Old Boy? Damn, that was some scary, sick shit!

Anonymous 29.1.09  

I jumped out of my skin when I saw that canvas bag move! Really scary flick. She's a crazy lady, that's for sure.

Anonymous 30.1.09  

Can't wait to see it - just added this to my Netflix queue.

Anonymous 30.1.09  

Zzzz...I heard Hollywood is remaking this one with Will Smith. I predict another downer film from Willy boy.

Anonymous 30.1.09  

The girl's a super freak.

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